Many companies are confronted with the issue of sick absence. Of course, employees can actually be ill or maybe they just don’t feel like working for the day. But if they are absent long-term or are increasingly reporting sick for a few days, there is an underlying problem. Burn-out, loss of motivation… These are all causes you can try to fix from within your organisation.
private detective agency Bayo happily shares 8 ways to deal with sick absence!

1. Talk to your staff

Listening to your team can do wonders. Listen to your employees’ frustrations, positive points and questions. You will get an idea of what goes on in your organisation and of what type of changes you could make to create a more enjoyable work environment. You can always talk to employees that were absent for a longer period of time, to see if they are definitely ready to get back to certain tasks.

2. A good policy on sick absence

Make sure that your organisation has a clear policy on illness. Employees that are informed of the steps to take in case of illness, also understand the significance of absences. The policy should explain what should happen in the event of illness, which tasks should be distributed among the team, which procedures should be followed etc. Don’t forget to include a plan of action for employees returning after a long period of absence.

3. Think of your employees’ health

It’s a well-known fact that exercising motivates us. A healthy diet can also improve our ability to concentrate. Motivate your employees to exercise by giving them a discount for fitness centres nearby or install a shower so they can cycle to and from work or even go for a run during their lunch break.
Let them take a course to quit smoking and always have fresh fruit at work. Offering healthier food options at the cafeteria can do wonders too.

4. Note behaviour

Pay attention to your staff’s behaviour. Is anyone who normally laughs all the time suddenly not smiling anymore? This could suggest issues at work or even at home. Talk to these employees, ask them how they are and maybe even give them a few days off. It could prevent a long-term sick absence due to burn-out, for instance.

5. Try to avoid stress

Stress is one of the main reasons why employees report sick. Reduce stress by temporarily hiring an extra person, ensuring tasks are better divided etc. Give your employees sufficient holidays so they can properly relax.

6. Allow your staff to take courses

Every year, give your staff the opportunity to take certain courses. It makes them feel appreciated and they learn, which benefits the organisation. It’s a win-win situation that can make for very motivated employees.

7. Think about flexible working conditions

Right, if your business has to be operational at certain times, it is important there is always someone present from 9 am to 6 pm for example. But you can still schedule your employees’ time rosters so they are a bit more flexible. Do your employees not have to be present at certain times? Offer them the option to work from home one day a week. Allow them to start earlier or later, so they can avoid traffic jams. That way, you’re already taking some of their frustrations away.

8. Organize common breaks

Make sure your employees have enough break options throughout the day. Set up a room where they can take a break from work and where they can relax. Organising common breaks can also strengthen the group feeling.
Would you like to receive more information about how to deal with sick absence in your company>? And check what your employees actually do during their sick leave? You can always come to us!