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Cushioning: the back-up plan

Cushioning: the back-up plan

“Cushioning” means that you have contacts with other people besides your regular partner, so that if your current relationship ends, you can immediately fall back on someone else. In other words, having a backup partner.

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8 ways to deal with sick absence

8 ways to deal with sick absence

Many companies are confronted with the issue of sick absence. Of course, employees can actually be ill or maybe they just don’t feel like working for the day. But if they are absent long-term or are increasingly reporting sick for a few days, there is an underlying problem. Burn-out, loss of motivation… These are all causes you can try to fix from within your organisation.
private detective agency Bayo happily shares 8 ways to deal with sick absence!

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Sick absence: an issue every company has to deal with

Sick absence: an issue every company has to deal with

No matter how you look at it, sick employees always constitute a loss for your company. Of course, employees can fall ill once in a while. That’s no reason to dismiss them. But some employees are ill or absent more often and for longer periods of time than others. And in the long run, they can be problematic for your business. We prefer talking about absence rather than sick absence, because employees are not always absent due to illness.

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Help, my staff is stealing.

Help, my staff is stealing.

Stealing employees, we’re better off without them! Did you know that Belgium is in the top 3 European countries for employees stealing from their employer? It is important for you to know what you can do about it.

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